
KW Habilitation workers are joining CUPE

Sign a card today to join Canada’s biggest union and get a stronger voice in your workplace.

Sign a card

Why are we joining CUPE?

  • As DSWs we are undervalued and underpaid for our work
  • Shortstaffing is causing burnout and stress for DSWs
  • We need improvements to developmental services and the restoration of day programs
  • Joining a union will give us a stronger voice in our workplace

What can CUPE do for me?

  • Help you and your co-workers negotiate a fair contract
  • Campaign for improved funding and services
  • Stand up for you in the work place
  • Provide you and your co-workers with legal, communications, research and education services

What is CUPE doing for people with developmental disabilities?

  • CUPE campaigns for increased funded and expanded services for people with developmental disabilities
  • CUPE is campaigning to stop the closure of day programs
  • CUPE advocates for people with developmental disabilities and their families
  • CUPE raised awareness about the lack of adequate PPE in developmental service facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

How can I join CUPE?

  • The first step is to sign a union card.
  • Tell other KW Habilitation workers about the union and ask them to sign a card.
  • When over 40% of KW Habilitation workers sign a card we can have a vote.
  • If 50%+1 KW Habilitation workers vote yes for the union then we will form a union.

Join our campaign

We need everyone to be part of this campaign: to build a strong voice in our workplace we need to talk to everyone who works for KW Habilitation. We are spread across 27 different houses, so it is difficult to reach everyone. If you have signed a card to join CUPE, the next step is to talk to your coworkers and make sure that they know about the campaign. We are stronger together!